Monday, November 24, 2008

So, you all know that our dog Gidget is a spaz! We love her though and have a lot of fun taking pictures of her odd behaviors. Cole took this fabulous photo of our Top Model pup and we had to post it. Last week one of my professors gave our class an assignment to write a children's story. I thought Gidget would be a fun topic. This odd little tidbit just came to me and I'm sure everyone sitting around the study table on campus thought I was going senile! But, I don't know, I just get giddy sometimes!

It’s a Dog’s Life
Hi! My name is Gidget. I live at the Statham's house in Clearwater, Connecticut.
Everyone is always telling me how they would looovve the life of a dog.
I’m sorry to clue you in . . . but it is not all what you think.
Sure I have a family. I get fed, petted, and I can lie around as much as I want.
However, that is on a good day!
Day to day its dog eat dog. No. Really! It is survival of the fittest for me!
Most days I am begging for someone to feed me. Just a little food and water in the bowl PLEASE!
Really, you won’t find me on the table licking plates and tipping cups if there is food in my bowl!
Also, I don’t like doing “my business” on the carpet or in the laundry room on dirty clothes. It is really embarrassing.
When I nose you on the leg, honestly, it is not for a pat on the head! I have got to go! Mother Nature is calling and I can’t hold it for long; open the door!
After all I’m just a little pup!
Last but not least . . . and this is no laughing matter . . . really now I am serious!
I get so b o r e d!!!
Now, I love you; you know I do but I can’t help it . . .
The only reason I destroy your socks and under wear,
The only reason I climb in your bed and snuggle in your blankets,
The only reason I hide your toys is because . . .
I miss you
So, get up, get a clue, my bad behavior isn’t me, It’s you!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life with the Band

Okay, so we are a little slow about this whole blogger thing, but pretty good for my first real attempt!!!

The little video of the AFHS Marching Band show is not the best quality and does not do justice to the show-but it gives you an idea of what the family has been up to for the last three months! (It is pictured below - far below) We have literally attended a competition once a week somewhere in the state since mid-September. It is alot of fun watching the show improve literally every week. These kids all practice 10 hours a week, with 3 weekend cleaning camps (3-9 on friday, and saturday 8-5). That does not include summer rehearsals and band camp.They work Hard!!!

Cole (Tuba), Samantha and Sabrina (both in colorguard) have had numerous competitions since this one and get better every time. We are so pleased with all the kids hard work and dedication. The following are some photos from the Bands of America Western Regional competition on October 22, 2008. Twenty six to thirty bands entered this competition. These bands are from Nevada, Utah, California, Arizona (Gilbert to be exact!!!),and Oklahoma. (The california and oklahoma bands are our toughest competition and we have never beat them in the past.) All the bands play in the preliminaries and then 12 of those advance to Finals. Our Kids did a phenomenal show! They made it to finals and swept the entire competition! They one first place in all three categories (musical performance, visual performance, and general effect)as well as Champions overall. It was absolutely electric!

Entering the Field in Finals Competition
at Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada
October 22, 2008
Movement 1:
A Quiet Night at Sea and The Storm

Movement 2:

Exploring the Island

Movement 3:

Remembering Home and The Natives

(Movement 4: Rescued--not pictured)

All bands entering the field in Full Retreat.

awaiting the outcome!

In Final Formation

and the winner is . . .

American Fork High School Marching Band


The Tuba section collapses after winning

Samantha and her biggest fan

(yes, Marqi is everywhere)

Sabrina celebrates with Elizabeth (left) and Mared (right)

Cole shows off his tuba skills and Medal

with his band groupies begging for a photo op

AFHS Marching Band October 2008-Rocky Mountain Invitational